Education System Leaders Reconnecting to the Wisdom of Childhood
Inner Playground – The Missing Link for Education Leaders – the Wisdom of Childhood!
Exploring the intersection of education systems leadership and the wisdom of childhood with intentionality and awareness (what we want to unlearn, what we want to take with us).
Reconnecting to the wisest qualities of childhood to inspire our deepest integrity, authenticity in relationships, and inspire the imagination to dream bigger than ever!
Price per participant = $349 USD includes the 4 week (1.5/hours per week) live zoom course, 1 45 min individual coaching call, a certificate, Inner Playground surprise kit, and group solidarity!
Small, diverse, and intentional REALationship focused groups under 14 Education Systems Leaders will journey together.
Apply Today – Fill out our APPLICATION FORM Today!
Upcoming Inner Playground Courses
March 26th | 6-8pm | Virtual
It is okay to color outside the lines!
A playful process of Imagination Revival to re-connect you to your most authentic, daring, and unique vision for the world as it could be.
Embody visioning as a skill that leaders can keep growing in with mini-practices to expand your imagination.
Empower your team to be more imaginative holding more space for imagining and moving from brainstorming to heartstorming.
Innovative breakthroughs in education are imaginative- practice seeing education as it could be and inspire your team to bring your vision to fruition.
Coming Soon!
11% of all participant fees will go to support our partner Childhood Changemaker Organizations